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Know How Discipline Can Help Maintain Your Health & Wealth?

Do You Know Investment of Rs. 10000 Monthly Can Help You Retire Crorepati
Enjoying both Good Health & Wealth is possible. Yes, you have read it correctly. Every individual has the desire in his/her heart to stay healthy and retire rich. Since every one of us have to go through the old age why not make the golden days exciting. The retirement that can help you enjoy financial freedom and live the way you wish to live is possible. You can build the corpus and retire as a crorepati. The need is to develop a disciplined habit of investing in a safe investment avenue.
The way different food items make a balanced diet, the diversification of your investments in different investment avenues make a good portfolio. Investment in different assets should be made based on your risk appetite. Thus, both health and wealth need disciplined management.
The hard fact of life is that we give our health and saving habit the last priority. But the pandemic COVID-19 made us realize the importance of strong immunity and saving. Do you agree?
No doubt, the global pandemic COVID-19 resulted in a big loss in terms of wealth and lives. Millions of lives were lost, and the world economy came to standstill. Only the lives with strong immunity survived the virus attack and people with good saving passed trouble-free pandemic period. People today agree with the truth. Research and reports have also proved that both financial immunity and health immunity both is necessary for a human being. Both health insurance and life insurance have immense importance in our life. They help you secure your family financially. The percentage of insured people worldwide has increased after the pandemic. Over 55% people in India have kept aside emergency funds for unexpected situations like COVID-19.

How can you improve your health and wealth?

Both good health and wealth creation demands consistency along with strict discipline. Your decision to go for a routinal health checkup, developing healthy food habits, including yoga and exercises in your routine can certainly improve your health. It will help you stay healthy. Including protein intake, carbohydrate, minerals, etc. are essential to improve your immunity. In the same way, choosing to invest in fixed income securities like bonds, Fixed Deposits, etc. can help earn fixed, stable, and predefined income. Also, investing in Equity and other stocks can help you earn higher returns. SIPs can help you develop regular and good saving habits.

Now let us understand how, Investment of Rs. 10000 Monthly Can Help You Retire Crorepati

Your investment in SIP can help you build the required corpus. SIP is known to provide the benefit of compounding.
For example,

Your investment in a SIP of Rs. 10,000 a month over a 10-year period assuming 15% rate of interest can help build a fund of approx. Rs. 27.5 lakhs. If you increase the investment period by 10 more years, you will end up investing an additional amount of about Rs. 12 lakhs (10000×120 months). Thus, your initial 12 lakh investment in 10 years of Rs. 12 lakhs would become 27.5 lakh and Rs. 24 lakhs accumulated in 20 years would become Rs. 1.49 crore at the end of 20 years. You will notice that the additional 10 years play a vital role in multiplying the returns.
Unlike SIP, Bonds also provide investors the benefit of higher returns. You can fulfill your different financial goals by choosing to invest in corporate bonds yielding annual interest ranging from 8 to 14 percent.
Thus, your diversified investments can together generate corpus for you. The accumulated wealth will help you fulfill your varied responsibilities and financial liabilities in life.

Can an investor of 25 years retire rich with a Crore in his 50s?

Yes, it is possible. An investor in his 20s if makes up his mind, he can certainly retire rich and have crore in hand. The need is to plan your investment, do the calculation and find out the amount to be invested monthly or yearly to earn the maturity amount of a crore. For the same, you can seek assistance of your financial planner. Alternatively, you can consult our experts at BondsIndia who will help you know the amount to invest in different investment avenues to fulfill your aim of retiring rich with an amount of 1 crore or more.
Do you know – a Rs. 20,000 monthly investments in SIP (increasing it by 10%) and other high yielding investment avenues for a period of over 20 years can help you generate a good corpus of Rs. 1.60 crore approximately.

Bottom Line

Thus, from the explanations above, it is evident that retiring as a crorepati is very much possible. The systematic planning, disciplined investment habit, and patience can help you retire as a Crorepati. The only need is to follow a disciplined and sound investment habit.
In the same way, your firm determination to include the habit of yoga, exercises, balanced diet can help you develop strong immunity and enjoy healthy living.


1. Why consistency is crucial in investments?
Maintaining consistency in investment is necessary unlike it is important to maintain good health. Your habit of consistent investment or saving can help you achieve your essential short-term and long-term financial goals.
2. How can I create wealth for my early retirement?
Creating wealth demands disciplined investment. The early you start investing the more return you can expect on maturity. Choosing to invest in a fixed income securities like Bonds yielding higher returns can help you create the required corpus for your early retirement.
3. Can I seek free of cost investment advice?
Yes, the investment experts at BondsIndia provide you investment related advice at no cost.